Mastering the Art of not looking


You know you want to remember.

Not really, because there are flashbacks. 

It plays as soon as your eyelid bats 

And most times when your eyes are opened! 

Memories of people whose rays brightened your day! 

Whose encouragement strengthened your feet

Whose words were timely. They just know when to speak. 

One day you hear, they are no more! 

But you surely know it can't be true. 

Self denial is sweet, anyone who hasn't grieved knows not! 

The cocoon can be a resting place,

To live in the illusion of memories. 

When your loved one is on a poster! 

And Obituary begins the sentence.

You'll find papers offensive

And badly wish you could hurt it for hurting you.

When your loved one is on a poster. 

You take all route except where it's pasted.

You want to live in delusion 

But facts on papers are evil all the time!

When your rays of hope is on a poster.

The entire world goes blank around it

You know it's you who should be not them

But the servers haven't gotten to you yet! 

When your beloved is on a Poster. 

You laugh at every joke, you laugh the loudest.

You badly wish you could laugh, cos your laughter is fickle

It's a mask you wear to pretend you're immune to pain! 

When your encouragement is on a poster. 

You feel the world parking up before you

You can't park up. 

Even the ground you thread on hurts!

When the person you spoke to appears on posters.

You're forced to not remember that you spoke

That death didn't happen and It's all a joke

But the poster says otherwise. 

It says it's true live with it!

We the family of your encouragement regrets to announce.

Your encouragement was aged an adult and is LATE for life! 

Then you knowing sight may be evil, the blessings of being blind will never come! 

Then you learn to look away!

At first, you remove your face quickly and fix it elsewhere

Then you graduate to blurring the view

Such that even though your eyes meets it your mind interprets something else!

When your hopes is on a poster. 

You want to reach out and yank them to life

Or end yours and appear on a poster.

But you stare powerlessly.

Mastering the art of looking away! 

© Chines Zoe 2021!



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