Wisdom for all!

So we are quick to teach women this wisdom.
Wisdom to manage their home. To change violent husbands, to live with men. When they react to humanity, we are quick to take side with the men and tell the women that they hadn't learnt wisdom. They should learn wisdom.

This hogwash wisdom from God knows where is for women only.

She'll need it to escape being beaten, or to shorten the days  of her stripes. She'll need it to make it to the hall of fame of virtuous women.  She'll need it to be able to make a three volume book hold mic and speak to other women.  About this women only wisdom and how to apply it.

And I'm here thinking, maybe if we stay true to what we come here to propagate daily about humanity and equity, we should know that in fact this wisdom for women should be mailed directly to the head of men. That they may know to love their wives, stay true to their vows, love their children, keep their home,  provide for it, zip up because they took vows to. 

But you see, we campaign for what we know we don't do.  We always want to live in the other side of truth as we talk what it is we think truth is. We'll do everything but come to the simple agreement that the hypocrisy stinks already and it is not helping anyone.

But then, what do I know?
