Imagine a woman
Married by her rapist
expected to be happy
At least the scar yielded some gain
The rapist married her.

Some never get to be married.

So she calls him My husband.
She calls him Our father.
She tells her kids their father calls
And falls into his embrace
Answering beautiful wife.

Not forgetting him. Her rapist.

Each night he rides her
Deep thrust to make her good
Smiling charmingly to her
That's why I married you.
You're the sweetest of all

She smiled.  Thank you she says.

He buys her sweet things
Or so he calls it.
Sweet smelling fragrance flowers
Pomade, shampoos and hairs
She should feel grateful
He loves something in her.

And thank him anyway.  Her rapist husband.

She Masters the smile
embalmed in her pain
exhudes painful exuberance
Mrs.  Her husband surname
the man who raped her.
And took her shame.

He married her remember?

Like Nigerians.
Raped, used, and battered.
Choosing candidates
from those who thread on their head
but what more is expected?
The man is our choice.

For N10,000 and even for a shirt.

Yet this woman knows

Memories filled with pain scenting like fragrance.

© 13th - June 2019
 Chines Zoe!
