Box of Rotten Tomatoes II

My long stare at your face
It's my heart telling you you're wanted,
It's my being telling you to stay.
It's silent voices telling you you are needed. 

A little extra time in embrace
It's my flesh yearning to be cuddled
It's my soul seeking an embrace
It's my mind receiving healing from the warmth you exhude. 

The extra lengthy discussion.
Where I through dry jokes and meaningless stories elongates
it's my heart rejoicing at company
it's me letting go of hurts and pain with words
It's my mind rejuvenating. 

When you notice this doesn't happen.
Shakes, glimpse, and short talks
just know you no longer matter
I've moved on, and what's left should not be opened.

Because what's therein is nothing but a box of rotten tomatoes!

It's me! 
Chines Zoe! 
