If you ask me, I think Africa should be glad that the British accepted to erase the pre colonial history and become the Villains in the history.
This kind of blessing is rare. They accepted to be the evil the African child is taught, how they came and did wickedness to Africa. The evil Africa can sit and discuss, because their evil and African's evil are measuring the same thing.
What would have been the African history? How would the African child accept to even be African when he starts learning that his ancestors in the name of worshipping deities, buried people alive for a flimsy reason, reason as flimsy as cleaning the land. Killed twins, beheaded people, used them legally to appease a mask carved by the woodmaker?
How will they even forgive their ancestors? Just how?
But today, they can fix that face and say, the white are our evil, it's because they so love Africa even though they didn't know, that they agree to erase the evil Africa did and became the evil themselves, so that the African child can hate on them, and love on their people. This is heroic, something that should be applauded!
Chines Zoe!
Coined from the first chapter of my soon to be published book, "My trouble with African Culture" The chapter is titled, the Blessing of the White Colonist!
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