Yes, I was with Sampson,  the Philistine's nightmare, the man whose name causes the mightiest of the Philistine to quaver, whose presence spells terror for the enemies camp. The man who single-handedly slew the Philistines with the jaw bone of an ass, and who will believe that the bone of a decayed ass will do this mighty destruction?   Well, one will be amazed at what can cause destruction in the hands of Sampson, he's a weirdo, I mean the way he does his things are weird to me. The other day we walked down the bushy path in search of what I can't really say, sometimes we go as far as to get games for food, I go with my hunting gun and his weird self will follow me - more of lead me - with nothing.  I've been warning him of the evil day, and he will laugh at me, that hysteric laughter that makes me lose my masculine ego. He intimidates me with his hysteric laughter, as much as I want to show this nerd I am man enough, I know what not to try. 

That day,  we had gone out on our normal stroll, when he began leading the way into the bush, my self had followed him without questions, he is the real marvel, not a programme manipulated character that keeps folks spell bound for hours.  The fact that his physique in no way correlate with the amount of strength he wields dazes me; one small muscle human being like that, but this guy will become something else once his hand feels the locks on his head, sway it from side to side, especially if a philistine was in sight. I was still awestruck as he pulled trees out from their root, pushed down mighty irokos with ease when I heard a roar!  My adrenaline rush increased a thousand times, running was no option, the sound of the roar stagnated me, and all I could do was tremble,  so awestruck I'd been that I'd not known when I wandered with him into the forest unarmed.  I remembered all the advise I gave to him about the evil day, that day it caught up with me.  Being in the heart of the forest, unarmed, with a lion around, what a horrible way to die!  The sweat bead formed streak and in seconds it seems like I had visited Cedron's brook. 

"My friend, be a man!" He giggled.

"I admit, I can never be" I whispered, saying that instead of the 'I will kill you if I survive this' my mind really meant to say to him.  

He gave me a mock laugh, who protects ego in the face of danger?  Who laughs in the face of danger? 

"Sampson, I don't want to die!" I pleaded.  "And who said you are?" he replied, patting my back he whispered,  "it seems you should spend your time trusting Jehovah the more." such amazing advise at the wrong time, when will I develop my trust muscle, the lion is near. I darted my eyes around the shaky leaves, trying to figure out where this Panthera Leo will emerge from.  Fear, literally written all over me,  and when it finally dived out, I dived behind Sampson like a weak maiden sore afraid and ashamed.  My bones cracked loudly, I never knew till that time I had body odor.  And then this my everyday regular friend swayed his head and ran his hand on his lock and that moment, I can't explain it.

A fierce combat ensued between it and Sampson, and I watched this regular guy operate with something I think is super ordinary, I sat down and watched. The dive, the wriggles, the cracking of bones, and before my very eyes Sampson held the upper and lower jaw and opened it, it dropped dead! 

"Bravo, Bravo!" I clapped my hands, nodding like the agama. Rejoicing for my life, if not for Sampson, wait, is it fresh human soup this lion will use me for?  "I've always told you, be a man!" "Be a man!" he teased. "Abegi let me rest, na because I allow you to kill am?  After all wetin your muscle take big pass my own?" I blurt. He stared at me for a while,  then... "a leopard is behind you" I jumped out of my skin, it met me at the back of Sampson. I have never been intimidated like this, this human personnel will pay for this. 

Sampson's obsession with women can be annoying, and he can find trouble, our Jewish girls doesn't appease him, it's the women of the house of the Philistine, the enemies daughters. Maidens of doom and destruction. He changes Philistines girls like the King's apparel, and how he can break his heart. The ladies are the reason for the numerous fights between Sampson and the Philistine lord!  He will deliberately fall for their bait, use their women, and kill the men. I'd have called this wickedness, but then we suffered alot in the hands of those miscreants.

"Wake up, wake up, we have to go to the Philistine's camp" a hand shook me vehemently.

"What for again?" I said,  half asleep, half awoken. 

"I heard there's this prostitute, her body is one to kill for, she's slender, her hairs are blonde, and her eyes portrays the radiance of the sun, delicate, tender,  you won't believe....... " He blurt! 

"Sampson,  you disrupting because of a woman?" I interrupted, fully awake. 

"A prostitute" He said. "One to die for?"

"You're not well" I fired,  drawing the blanket,  facing the opposite direction. 

"Must you always be a coward?" He began.

"Wait, Sampson wait, no time for name calling,  I agree, I'm not a man,  can I catch my sleep now?"

"My friend, adventures are everything, I can get you one too if you don't mind"

"Sampson, let's not drag the issue, I am not going!"

"Why will you always cease all opportunity to show the world you just have vain muscle and gender, you are weaker than a woman."

"If I were to be a woman, you Sampson will not stay in the same house with me.  Let me sleep!"

"Sleeps are for cowards and losers..."

"it's not ideal for a man to rise up early eating the bread of sorrows, he gives his beloved  sleep"

"You're masculine, this is no bread of sorrow, its bread of satisfaction"

"And where is the butter?"

"Carry yourself and come out of that sleep let's get going" 

I shrugged, pull the blanket away,  "not that I can say no!" I jumped down, this guy and adventures will not kill me. 

The night cold is freezing,  "see,  my friend, something about these ladies, I can't find words to explain" Sampson said, unlike his quiet self, I know he is trying hard to make me enjoy the night, but my heart was pounding real fast, and goose bumps already spread over it!  "You're anointed for crying out loud, the servant of the Lord....."

"is to be holy and blameless, save it for the next Sabbath, let's go"

The cricket's loud chirp, and the night insect hum makes me want to hug my mattress than follow this man to find woman. 

"Stay low" He ordered, and before I could think, I laid flat, my heart beat increased and I almost strangled him when he giggled "just kidding."

"Samson, this is torture," I retaliate,  "no,  training, what are friends for? Come on"

He held my hand and dragged me along.  "I'm not your slave you know, I am willingly following you" I said hitting his firm hand over my wrist. He loosened it, I felt like my bones wanted to crack.

"The Philistines, they feel they know something,  very brainless set of being, it cost me nothing to set this hamlets ablaze!"

"If you were coming for a fight,  you would have not bothered waking me, see Mister, I don't have locks, and I'm seriously looking for a safe spot to rest  "

"I'll give you the cleaner of the brothel,  you'll like her!"


Dead silence engulfed us, and so we were until he told me to keep an eye for him whilst he went inside. 

Gosh, I hate the sounds of helpless moan, this helplessness that the helpless don't want to be help but wants to remain in the helpless state.  I placed my hands on my ears and cringed, trying to distract my mind, I thought Sampson said he will arrange someone for me?  How come he says I should keep an eye? 

No way, this guy cannot keep playing me for a fool,  I stood up to knock when I saw some silhouette, it looks like that of a soldier. I scampered to safety,  making no sound until I heard Sampson's voice. 

"I think they saw me, the Phillistine soldiers."

He said nothing, the excitement on his face shows memories alive in him was more important than my word.  As we stroll to the city gate, his eyes shut at will. 

"Don't tell me you are sleepy after sleeping" I blurt. 

"Jealousy" He spat! 

"Promise breaker!" I fired. 

"Feels good to be a man!" he shook his locks. I don't care! 

He began ranting about his nights,  I wasn't interested. Why should I be? I'll wait until we get to Israel, then I'll tell him my mind. Enough of making promises that you know you can't.....

"Sampson, I think that gate is locked!" I pointed.

He wore a blank look! 

"That's why I told you to stop doing sinful things, now we are in trouble......" I panic

"Be a man,  how long will I tell you this?"

"Can't you see, they saw me, they locked the gate, how can you fight the whole community?  What mess have I  gotten into!"

He looked at my face and said only one word "Shut Up" and everything in me went numb! 

He shook the gate to confirm it is indeed shut, he looked at me.

"That's why we need to be holy, for things like this, how can the power of God work after you....."

He shook his head, ran his hand on his lock, I stared on, what does he want to do? What is he up to this time? 

"Follow me behind" he said. 

Holding the gate, before me, he pulled out the gate, I felt nostalgic. Sampson came out of that brothel and carried that city gate up the hill. I felt my heart close, this is too much.  I slumped!
