What if I don't care anymore

What if I don't care! 

My respect I thee gave
Thee I valued
Thee I yearned to be close to
Thee I did rely on. 

Me you take for a fool
Feeling I will rise not
Feeling surviving will be difficult
Feeling you are all in all! 

What if I don't care anymore
What if I don't give a damn
About you and all you got
What if I don't anymore care! 

What if your voice sounds like noise
What if your face I don't want to see
What if your advise seems useless to me
What if your position had been fully cleared

What if your words are scattered scribbles
what if your tears now appear fake
what if the love we share has gone cold
and all I feel for the is hate? 

What if I detest your company
your association no longer cherished
your smile is what I cringe at
What if you no longer matter? 

Chines Zoe
