If you didn't join the Christmas Eve talk last night, the feed is available. This is kind of continuation from where I left of yesternight.
One of the reason Christ came is to pay for our sins so that we may LEAVE the domain and dominion of Satan into his kingdom where we now live because his resurrection happened.
It's important to take advantage of this reason and LEAVE! Leave toxic relationship, see dear, you are better than the stuff you are managing, you worth more than living in perpetual domestic violence. The one who take pleasure in oppressing you day in and out, who beats you and make you look like a piece of crap do not deserve you at all. It's their knowledge of this that makes them manhandle you that you may not get to see how much worth you have but scurry around them to find your own worth.
I want to tell you this, you have worth, you have dignity, you got pride, in case you feel you have none, that's why Chrisy came, and resurrected he had, so LEAVE! Don't manage pain, don't manage abuse, don't manage it, don't try to cope with it, it's no use trying to put God inside the picture, he's not the one telling you to suffer beatings from those who are to love protect and hold you in the name of paying a price. LEAVE!
your know your employer is milking you, he/she will stop at nothing to say horrible thing to you, make you feel like a piece of rag whose life on them is suspended. Hey, you worth more, in you is that treasure of inestimable value, I know you don't know that there are several organization and firms out there that'll treat you better and appreciate you in their firm LEAVE! Walking on water isn't possible until you step on the water. Wait no further, LEAVE!
Disassociate from things lined up to ruin you, from poisonous people disassociate. From those who feel your life will never know progress, they don't need to say it, you can read characters right? Disassociate.
It's time to step into that water and live for yourself now. He came that you might have abundant life, that you may live, be alive and LIVE!
Those dreams lurking in your heart, when are you planning on birthing them? You have life enough, LIVE FRIEND LIVE!
Don't let the feeling of guilt ruin you, LIVE, Christ died for the ungodly! He bore your sin penalty on him, it's borne, none is coming to you. Get up and live now!
With every ticking second is an opportunity to live. I know suicide, I know the warmth it brings or it feels to be, but friend, what about the others? If you feel there's nothing more, then live for me. Just make sure you are living.
Live your dream, live your imagination, Christ had finished the work, Arise, Love, Leave and Live!
Merry Christmas!
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