Uchechi Uchenyi says...

I understand men that support patriarchy (although sometimes I feel they need counseling and serious brain reconstruction) because for the most part, it favours them.

But women?

How do you go about being your own worst enemy? Even if you were raised that way!

You see a system that puts you as subservient and at the same level as a dog (to just follow orders without a whimper) and you choose to embrace it wholeheartedly.

You see a system that forces or scares you into marrying the next available man not because you love him but in case you get no other proposal because your clock is ticking.

You see a system that doesn't encourage you to work with your brains and be the best in your field, a system that encourages you to be dependent and mediocre or to always feel the need to always emphasize your inferiority at every level of success you attain.

You see a system that sees you as worthy only when you have married, borne thirty sons, pounded numerous meals at 3am and endured numerous side chics/beatings maybe even gotten HIV and Hepatitis because you kept the marriage and your man.

You see a system that doesn't care about your identity, your choices, your preferences, your feelings, well-being or your health only your marital status or how you ensure your husband is well kept and his ego is well massaged so he won't be intimidated by your success.

You see a system that is totally against you, Yet you embrace it totally!

Women, wake up!

Who has bewitched you?

Who has made you slave when you are royalty?

Why be inferior when you are equal?

Why be less when you are more?

Why believe that you don't matter when you always have?

Forget what society will think!

Your happiness, not theirs!

Learn that skill you've always wanted to!

Stop putting yourself under unnecessary pressure to marry!

Leave that man that is making you miserable!

Stop putting yourself down so your success will be validated!

You were born to fly!

Stop apologizing for who you are and who you're becoming. They say your success will threaten the man, let such man cower and hide! He's not worthy of a Queen!

They say your success will not make you a good wife, you won't marry an idiot who thinks that way!

They say your biological clock is ticking, tell them Sarah gave birth at 100 and that adoption has never been a sin!

Whatever they say, raise your shoulders and still do you!

Stop encouraging stupid in the name of culture!

Stop putting yourself down!

Stop treating yourself like a you've not worthy of love!

You are! And you deserve every bit of happiness you desire! 

Live Free and to the Fullest Girl, the World is equally yours!

Good Day 💖💖
