The face of depression!

The face of depression is that smiling face, that laughs at every cracked joke, give a big smile to everyone and oh how sweet to behold it is.

The hand of the depressed are warm, the hold on to yours and won't let go, but in the Spirit of rehearsed greetings, joint hands should last two seconds. 

The hug of the depressed is longer. That's exactly what they need and more.  But pull away quickly, you may be tongue-lashed for holding too long.

This deep feeling of being alone, wants to retire to themselves cannot be hid in full totality so pretend not you didn't notice the activity guy who laughs heartily, holds your hands for more than required and stays in your hug like he's gay or maybe a fuckboi depends on who offered a hug.

The society has a rehearsed greeting system,  it moved from having an emotional concern system to an outright rehearsed speech with no connection.  Good morning, Morning. How are you,  Fine!  We bless God! 

The language of the depressed is bright and sharp, little wonder people worry about how suicide could happen to a happy easy going fellow. 

But in that laugh, bright faced, activity forming sharp voice, is a million echo of one who needs to talk to someone.  One who many times needs not talk but hug.  One who has a thousand and one stories of pain echoing in the same voice that brightly laughs!  .

Underneath that happy face is the one in the pics, and it puts it well, it's veiled!

It's me!

Chines Zoe
