An excerpt from my book Her Plight!
Excerpt taken from the chapter. MONOLOGUE 1.
I am Deji, the president of Deji Anderson's Foundation to which Laura is the Vice President, and yes, I am Laura's husband. Recently I have been seeing comments by ingrates regarding the divorce proceeding at the court between Laura and I, and it can't cease to amuse me.
Women, what do they really want? This question has bodered my mind ever since I brought that ingrate of a lady Laura into my life for wife. I gave her everything, I made her the Laura she is today and if there is any attention she's enjoying today I am responsible. She was practically nothing before I married her and I am sure that she won't amount to anything close to what she is today if not for me. She owes me her life, her unwavering dedication and commitment to my course should be her sole ambition, forsaking her vision for mine is that a hard thing to do? Isn't that why women are created? Laura enjoys so much wealth and affluence that if you ask me should satisfy every woman's insatiable desire. She has everything at her beck and call, the founder of Laura's Place, which I opened for her. My handiwork is seen all over this woman that goes about today tarnishing my image, telling people I beat her. I'm abusive, and all of her rants. My love for Laura knows no bound and if only she could just submit to me like women are instructed to do in the good book, and our rich African culture, beating won't be part of the whole deal. The beating is only a means of correction, aimed at putting her straying brain aright. Laura wants to live a free life, one married women shouldn't at all aspire, this is not obodo oyibo, it's Africa, West Africa for that matter, no matter the height of a woman she must know that her head is the man and pay due respect to us, we could have married anybody out there instead of them, there are a thousand and one out there who would gladly answer our surname, many who desire to have our seed growing in them, even if that's all, yet Laura like other women there who seeks to be heard after marriage takes the marriage stuff lightly......
in the book Her Plight by Chines Zoe! Available on wattpad for free read!
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