My Trouble with African Culture - Chines Zoe


My resolution to do away completely with upheld barbaric practises in Africa guise as culture had led me into deep research into Africa, and her different traditions, for the single purpose of exposing the inhumane practise in them.  Today, I bring you report from a Tribe in Ethiopia, acountry in the world where women come to be killed by men and have fun, and then they are beaten until blood does not come out.

Read about them 😔

Ethiopia: Some of the world's traditions are very strange-poorer. Especially of tribals and backward tribes. When talking about rituals and rituals related to tribal areas, many interesting things come out here. Let's talk today of a tribe of Ethiopia, where women do the beat when they feel proud.
According to the information, the people of Hammar tribe are quite different, their traditions and customs are quite shocking. This Hammar tribe of Ethiopia is rapidly getting extinct.

People of Hammer race celebrate Catel Jumping Cemetery. This is their special ceremony. At this ceremony 15 cows are erected and a young man crosses him while jumping. If a boy fails in this, then he is not married and a group of women beat him fiercely. After that, all the women in the house of that boy are beaten.

This beating is done until the blood of women comes out of blood. There is a men's organization called 'Maja' to kill women. There is no women in this whole event. Not only this, women who are saved from being killed are requested to kill the 'Maja' group.

By the way, this killing ceremony is not limited to celebrations. These women are killed until they have two children. People of Hammer caste do not believe it wrong. Women say that they get courage from eating holes and they can firmly come forward to feed their families.
