The first chapter of the book, My trouble with African Culture is 'is the blessing of the colonial masters'
I know there are folks today who feels they are a curse to Africa, and will go all around ranting how much evil they caused Africa.
I like the way Noah Trevor explained it in his auto biography book 'Born A crime' I like the book because it is not of those one sided material, "At least they brought education, they brought hospitals, they would have no entrance to Africa save for some greedy Africans"
Reviewing Africa before their arrival shows more of an Ancient Barbaric zoo of folks who perpetuates barbaric activities in the worship of their ancestors, Africa did much more wickedness to themselves than any meted out on them by the colonial Masters. We see the Benin tradition where the wives of the Oba is buried alongside him alive as a cleansing sacrifice for the land, and the igbo who derives joy in killing children, because they are twins, many young men and women has lost their lives in terrible barbaric manner before they came, and these practise we now scorn at would be in practise today had they not come.
What's even much more pathetic is how they exchanged humans for household items as insignificant as the mirror, we brought upon us the calamity we now face, and even after the colonial reign, Africa still dishes these barbaric acts to one another, if not for the media, Nigeria would have been the central hub of modern day slavery. We see the plights of nations like the Gambia, Zimbabwe under the leadership of their then presidents, and Nigeria under the current presidency.....
Empowerment in 2018 by the current government ranges from shoe polish kit, cassava grinding machine, and mango farm establishment, it shows our colonial master no matter how barbaric had far more better plan for Africa than Africans themselves......
The full one is coming soon....
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