Clap clap clap.
The stage light turns on
Beams on us
With cheers and clap!
The audience cheers
He's my model
Wanna be like him!
Exhales, clears face, wipes eyes
Put on the smile
Sing and dance,
Turn around
Make melody
move the crowd!
It's the show
It's the stage
Be exactly as they feel
it's the show!
Be happy, so they cheer
You're envied, yet you die
It's painful
it's the show
Move to the beat of the drums
the rhythm of the ochestra
the high sounding symbals
Swing around, dance dance dance
it's the show
It's the stage!
Lights off!
Tears, pain, grief
No one's watching
cry a little
Feel the pain
Drown in pain
swim in the river called pain
Depressed, thinking wild
Talk to thyself in shackles and pieces
Hey be quick, lights about to go on
Fake the smile
fake the fine
fake the joy
fake the happiness
it's the show
it's the stage!
The stage and show!
Random muse
Chines Zoe
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